(Taken from a conversation with one of my followers)
“I told you to use Google Talk (GTalk) for the chat session tonight. You responded that you didn't have it but will get it if I preferred it. Now rethink what you said... didn't I already tell you that I preferred GTalk by directly telling you to use it? It's that kind of redundancy that you want to avoid. It comes off as if you were not paying attention. Don't worry, I am not scolding you... I'm teaching you by real life examples on how to become remarkable and not just standard.”
“I prefer to deal with remarkable. In my view, some things should not have to be taught. Being intuitive is consistent with being attentive. You learn how to serve better by using various ways to accomplish your goal. Directly asking about preferences is one way. But, being attentive during every conversation with a Dominant as a way to learn more is the preferred method. Your goal should always to be to become an asset not a liability.”
“When things become redundant, then Dominants have to rethink if our continued relationship with a submissive is even worth our time. I am always impressed when I can clearly see that a submissive has been listening intently to our conversations and using those opportunities to serve better without having to be told. A submissive always strives to impress. You can still ask questions but recognizing a learning opportunity compared to making an inquiry to increase your knowledge is key.”
“I always tell my followers that I don't speak for my health. And I mean that. Every word spoken has a meaning and is sometimes a clue into getting to know me better. Some clarifications may be necessary and that is okay as you are simply clarifying what you have already gathered from a previous conversation.”
“Don't let what I have just shared with you make you afraid to ask questions. I just want you to be more intuitive and treat each conversation we have as a learning tool. I am sure you already do this but it wouldn't hurt to re-read every email we share between each other to see if there is anything you may have missed. Re-reading is a valuable tool just like watching a movie you've already seen. The second, third or fourth time you watch always makes you focus on elements that you didn't notice before which in turn, adds a new dimension to a movie you've already seen.”
Does that make sense? Of course it does. If it didn't... then you weren't paying attention. So read it again!
Clear lesson Sir