Not to be confused with the term "Freedom is slavery", I shared my own original quote in 2014 concerning why slavery is freedom. It is a conscience decision to give over control to another in order to find peace, purpose and fulfillment with one's own life.
This became very popular on social media sites like Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. It became popular for a reason. Many identified with the concept. It spoke to them.
Religion has the same purpose and goal. So does fundamentalist, extremist and racist ideologies. They all fail miserably when not taking the needs and wants of the individual into consideration. They become a simple band aid instead of a solution. One should always search within themselves first before seeking "freedom". Knowing your purpose is innate. No matter how confused you feel about your life, you always know what you need. Sometimes, all you need is a little help in finding "clarity".
I'll share a very enlightening definition of the "new age" meaning of "slavery" (as it should pertain to this Lifestyle)...
slavery is not about suffering . .
. . slavery is about service.
slavery is not about humiliation . .
. . slavery is about humility.
slavery is not about pain . .
. . slavery is about being present.
slavery is not about being used . .
. . slavery is about being of use.
slavery is not about control . .
. . slavery is about letting go.
slavery is not about what is done to you . .
. . slavery is about what you do for others.
slavery is not about abuse . .
. . slavery is about acceptance.
slavery is not about proving anything . .
. . slavery is about being real.
slavery is not about contempt . .
. . slavery is about respect.
slavery is not about how you look . .
. . slavery is about how much you care.
slavery is not about denying yourself . .
. . slavery is about being open.
slavery is not about bondage . .
. . slavery is about freeing your spirit.
slavery is not about punishment . .
. . slavery is about discipline.
slavery is not about being unable to escape . .
. . slavery is about being committed.
slavery is not about submission . .
. . slavery is about obedience.
slavery is not about fear . .
. . slavery is about trust.
slavery is not about sex . .
. . slavery is about love.
slavery is not about pleasure . .
. . slavery is about happiness.
Slavery is freedom. And it can mean different things to different people. When I talk about "knowing your role" and "keeping it real", this is what I mean by it all.
Pursuit of the END result.
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