Sunday, December 14, 2014
What does Black Mans Revenge mean?
That's one very small way of looking it but you miss the whole picture. Black Man's Revenge (BMR) refers to the accomplishment and achievement of Black MEN owning their own futures. Changing the world by simply being themselves. Embracing their own natural power and strength by believing in themselves.
When you are PROUD of who and what you are, it radiates and draws in others like moths to a flame.
Getting a non-black person to admit that they are a natural-born servants to Black men is the best REVENGE. Why? Because unlike what every other race on this damn planet has demonstrated throughout history... we never FORCED them to do it.
NOW, that's true power. And the ultimate REVENGE.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
In Life, There Are No Coincidences
This mode of thinking has been debated many times throughout our history. If you are religious, you were programmed to believe that a single higher power was at work (intelligent design). If you are more scientific or a realist, you probably believe that there is always a mathematical explanation for everything.
While there is definitely a "design" and "explanation" for just about everything (eventually), in my opinion; there is only one conclusion.
There are no coincidences.
ALL matter (solid, liquid, gas) can be broken down into its most basic, native component... energy.
Energy comes in many forms. It is free flowing thus interacts with itself. None of us would be here right now if that was not true.
Take a magnet for instance. We all know that the opposite poles (-/+) of two magnets will instantly attract one another but what happens when you flip just one of them (+/+)? It creates such a negative force that you can never truly put them together, in that state. This is an example of "cause and effect".
Life and reality in general works under the same or similar rules. You can't always fully explain the "why" but given the many "discoveries" mankind has uncovered in such a short period of time, it is only a matter of time before even the most unimaginable questions are answered... or at least touched upon.
Here is an example that I want you to think about. It involves an eerie correlation involving a ship called The Titanic, which sank on April 15, 1912.
In 1898, a little known author by the name, Morgan Robertson published a book called "Futility".
It was a story about the largest ocean liner ever built.
On its maiden voyage, it would attract the rich and great of the world.
On an April night, it struck an iceberg.
Sounds like a coincidence, right?
Continue reading...
The author included a very detailed description of the vessel in his book.
The ship in his book weighed 70,000 tons.
The Titanic weighed 66,000 tons.
Robertson's ship was 800 feet long.
The Titanic was 882 feet.
Both were capable of traveling 25 knots.
Both carried about 3000 passengers.
Both only had lifeboats for a fraction of that number.
Both were considered unsinkable.
Still a coincidence?
The author called his ship... Titan.
The book was written and published 14 years prior to the events that happened on April 15th, 1912. Coincidentally, my grandmother was born on April 15th, 1912.
In Life, there are no coincidences.
Everything happens for a reason... even if that reason isn't always easily identified.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Finding Balance
One should focus on the present and what works NOW. Not later. Obstacles that may come can be dealt with less trepidation once you have created your "foundation".
That foundation can't be formed until you are capable of acknowledging every part of who you are.
We all live double lives. Although sometimes overwhelming, Finding Balance is not impossible to achieve.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Confession of a Submissive Dreamer
Recently, I encountered a sub who was very passionate about what he is seeking. I asked him a simple question: "What is your aspiration in life?" And what he shared took me by surprise.
Sir, I'm looking to find a Dominant male to serve and please. I long to wake my Master up with a full body massage, followed by oral servitude of his choice. Then breakfast in bed and helping him get ready by attending to all his personal needs.
In the evening he returns to a clean home and home cooked meal. While he eats, he has me massage his feet. After Dinner, i prepare his bubble bath, wash his hair and get him ready for his night out with one of his lovers, if he prefers.
Later in the night he wakes me by putting his cock in my mouth expecting me to clean him and give him one or two more orgasms before he goes to sleep.
i then cuddle up next to him and massage him while he dozes off to sleep. i then hang his clothes up in the closet and make my way to my twin mattress in the closet next to my doggie bowl that has my water for the night.
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, he texts me "#1" which means he needs to pee but doesn't want to get out of bed. I crawl to his bed, pull the covers back and place my mouth on the cock i worship. He then starts to urinate slowly making sure i can accept his stream. Once i get into the flow, he lets lose and i guzzle his warm nectar down which he has taught me to accept or should i say long for. Once he is done, i lick him clean quickly so he can return to sleep.
When i'm lucky enough and he is horny or in between lovers, he uses my ass for his pleasure and I know I may not be allowed to cum until given permission, if at all.
i am his property and i relish in serving him. Of course, the above options as well as others not mentioned are totally based on his needs and desires, not mine.
Sir, I want this dream to become reality so bad. I need to feel like I have a purpose. Like I belong.
You asked once what my aspiration in life is. That is to be happy... in the service of a true Black Master.
My biggest fear? Failing to fulfill my purpose... before my time on this earth has passed.
This submissive dreamer definitely captured my attention.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Sierra Leone Quarantines 2 Million to Fight Ebola
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — Sierra Leone on Thursday took the dramatic step of sealing off districts where more than 1 million people live as it and other West African countries struggle to control the Ebola outbreak that has claimed thousands of lives.
With three new districts under quarantine, about one-third of Sierra Leone’s 6 million people are now living in areas where their movements are heavily restricted. In parts of Sierra Leone and in neighboring Liberia where these cordons have been used in this outbreak, food prices have soared, some markets have shut and the delivery of goods has slowed.
“There is a desperate need to step up our response to this dreaded disease,” the Sierra Leone government said. “The prognosis is that without additional interventions or changes in community behavior, the numbers will increase exponentially and the situation will rapidly deteriorate.”
President Barack Obama warned a meeting at the United Nations on Thursday that the world is not doing enough to stop the outbreak, saying there is “a significant gap between where we are and where we need to be.”
The Ebola outbreak, the world’s largest ever, has hit Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea hardest and is believed to have sickened more than 6,200 people. Senegal and Nigeria have also had Ebola cases, but it appears the disease has been contained in those countries.
U.S. health officials warn that the number of infected people could explode to 1.4 million by mid-January, adding that the outbreak could peak well below that if efforts to control the outbreak are ramped up.
The outbreak’s unprecedented scale and geographic spread have pushed governments to impose severe measures like the cordons, but the disease has continued to overwhelm efforts to contain it.
In an address to Sierra Leone on Wednesday night, President Ernest Bai Koroma put Port Loko, Bombali, and Moyamba districts under isolation with immediate effect, allowing only people delivering essential services to enter and circulate within these areas. The restrictions will remain in place until the chain of transmission is broken, officials said.
In other parts of Sierra Leone, including the capital, Freetown, homes will be put under quarantine when cases are identified, according to a government statement. Security forces surrounded a house in a Freetown slum on Wednesday, quarantining residents inside, after a popular herbalist who lived there died from Ebola. The forces will ensure that no one leaves or enters until it’s clear that no one else in the house has been infected.
Two districts near the outbreak’s epicenter — Kenema and Kailahun — were isolated about two months ago. In all, the movement of more than 2 million people is now restricted in Sierra Leone.
A sharp increase of cases in the capital is driving the outbreak’s spread in Sierra Leone, the World Health Organization said Thursday, also noting that the three districts newly cordoned off are experiencing increased infections.
Restricting the movement in these “hotspots” could help to prevent the disease from spreading to new areas, but there’s not much evidence on how this sort of measure works in an Ebola outbreak, said Sebastian Funk, lecturer in infectious diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
“If transmission of Ebola mostly happens at home, it could make things worse. And it could also potentially seed mistrust and cause people to hide cases,” he said. “It may buy you some time but it is probably not going to stop the epidemic.”
Liberia, the country hardest-hit by the disease, cordoned off a large slum in its capital Monrovia at one point to slow transmission.
But it has continued to see cases balloon in the city. On Thursday, frustrated residents of Monrovia gathered outside the city’s newest treatment center where patients sometimes had to wait for hours to be admitted.
“It is kind of pathetic to come and then see patients lying all on the ground and nobody to even see them,” said resident Abraham Sesay.
Liberia alone needs 1,500 more beds to treat Ebola patients than are being set up, WHO said Thursday. Dr. Frank Mahoney, head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention team in Liberia, said at a news conference that teams were racing to meet that need.
“But they (the increasing number of cases) have been outpacing our ability to set them up,” he said.
The lesson learned here is that we can never been prepared for an epidemic. There are simply too many people. I feel for my brothers and sisters in West Africa dealing with this pandemic. Unfortunately, not having a national disaster program in place will make this situation look horrifically like what we experienced here in 2004 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
One would think the world would have learned from our folly...
I guess not. Thus, is the never ending cycle of history repeating itself.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
The Standard
Everyone has their own idea of what constitutes a Dominant or submissive standard. Life is confusing enough. The definition should always be straightforward and simple.
If you feel inclined to submit... then submit.
If you feel inclined to dominate... then dominate.
There should be no gray area or exceptions that need to be discussed.
It's a simple, singular focus. The Standard that primarily defines.
I am a Dominant.
I am a submissive.
In this era of all-inclusiveness and new labels, I can understand how people easily get confused. Too many variables equals too many obstacles. Conforming to one standard that has been around since the beginning of civilization is the true test of finding ones place in this world.
Any other variables will fall into place on its own... in its own time. Under the primary standard you identify yourself as.
That's the true benefit of knowing who you are. No conflict or confusion about ones intentions.
Are there exceptions? Of course, there are. But those variables should find their own place within your primary role.
Not everything can be summed up under one label. However, our individuality allows us the freedom to compromise, tweak and make it our own.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Everyone sounds like everyone else. Catch phrases and slogans are overused to the point that they are a turnoff because we have gotten lazy. Very few of us actually know what it means to be "original".
The colorful art of being unique and one-of-a-kind is almost dead. Yes, sadly so. But... every so often, you come across someone who captures your interest long enough to read further than their stats or their pics.
That how it used to be. How it should be... if you are serious about creating that great first impression. If not, then continue to coast and emulate. Feast on the scraps of what you perceive to be as "good enough".
It works for most of us who don't know any better. But for others... they want more.
Finding a good sub or Dom is hard enough. Building a relationship with that sub or Dom is damn near difficult without establishing trust. But if you can't back up the claims you make with actions... you destroy that fragile trust.
And in many cases, you can never get it back.
No one ever thinks about the collateral damage lies and disrespect leaves in its wake.
Legions of potential Doms and subs left doubtful and suspicious of any good intentions or motives. This goes beyond just simply being cautious. Ruining any chances for the next person who has the sincerest of intentions to try and make up for the mistakes of others before him.
Once you've been burned, that kind of stink doesn't wash off with tomato juice... it lingers. Festers the mind with doubt and mistrust. Virtually destroying all hope of that Dom or sub allowing themselves to want more than what they feel is "safe".
Thus, the current cycle of mistrust is born and recycled. Over and over and over again.
The only way to stop this domino effect is to be true to your word(s). Even if you feel fear, don't take the cowards way out and bail (disappear). Stay. Talk it out and explain how you feel. You'd be surprised at the level of understanding you may receive in return. Most times, your counterpart may actually have the exact same fears as you do.
Novel concept isn't it?
Try it.
Actions speak louder than words... every single time.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The Black Inferiority Complex
Black Inferiority Complex is attributed as the lack of self-worth and pride some Blacks may feel about themselves.
This post was inspired by an email I received of my BSN FetLife group about a recent incident. It contains my response to the matter:
BSN Member
written 1 day ago:
It has been 8 days since we have spoken MASTER but here I feel I have to tell you that a Black Brother in Fetlife has declared himself a slave to the white man and wants to give blow jobs to us filth. He is attached to the Pigs Group and calls himself a N**r. His nickname is..........luvaboy and has a photograph of one of the brothers in a steel collar. Is this not wrong and does is not bring the name of BLACK SUPERIORITY into disrepute MASTER. Shame on him !! It would be very good if the photograph was of me MASTER. Is there anything you can do about that as he is the FIRST Black Brother I have seen do this !! I wait to hear from you MASTER.
written 39 minutes ago:
That is horrible to hear about. I have come across Black men who seem drawn to the race play aspect and for whatever reason choose to demean themselves. This could be due to something that happened in their childhood or a mental imbalance.
It is sad to hear about this and at the same time angering. This also goes to show that Superiority is a state of mind. That Black man (notice I do not consider him a brother) is not a Black Superior. He is a submissive, lower than my status. Only strong Black men who know their own right and power can claim to be Superior.
In this case, I feel sadness for the man for he obviously does not feel he is worthy of respect.
You should take this opportunity to reach out to him. Explain to him that as HIS INFERIOR, he is considered a KING and not a slave to the white man. This will have more meaning coming from the very white men that he is seeking to serve. It would have more effective that way.
BSN Member
written less than a minute ago:
I shall try MASTER but the very thought of a Black Brother being into taking a white pigs seed is very much beyond my belief - YUCK ! It makes me sick ! Also to see a Black Man in a steel collar truly makes me feel so much better to have made the crossing to serve BLACK SUPERIORS and to be a traitor to my pale insipid colour I shall never want to change from being in service to the BLACK RACE. I worship you all MASTER x
I do believe that for the most part it is about fetish race play. But as I mentioned in my response to the sub, it could be a sign of mental illness as well. In the past, it has angered me to the point of wanting to beat some sense into my fellow brother. But violent reaction is not the answer. Just like with someone who wants to commit suicide, it is best to listen to their take on the situation so to learn the WHY of it.
From there, maybe your point of view can be shared... and hopefully become the voice of reason.
I can hear my grandmother right now... "We did not endure rape, killings, being called an Ape, a Nigger and countless other derogatory names and atrocities meant to keep Us down and lower Our self esteem only to hear that some stupid bitch ass nigga is using it for sexual gratification!!!" Yes, she was extremely Black Pride-centric almost to the point of sanctioning the extermination of any whom she considered "traitors to our race". She lived in a time where Blacks did not have any rights.
But it's just that kind of reaction that we want to avoid in today's world. Anger is indeed a powerful emotion but better channeled into compassion and a need to understand. If it is a mental imbalance that is the motivation behind a Black person wanting to submit to a white then we can encourage them to seek professional help.
If it is simply about satisfying a fetish, then should it not be our business? Or should we remind the wayward individual of who he is and how he is perceived?
True Fact: Many Doms/Dommes get into the Lifestyle because they encountered a submissive who allowed them the opportunity to explore that side of themselves (myself included). Because of objectification, many do not trust subs are actually committed to the role and are only play acting... fulfilling a fetish.
They are right... in many cases. But flipping the script, wouldn't that be true for other Dominants who don't know their full potential yet? Maybe all anyone needs is that one true catalyst to show them the way.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Justice for Keith Warren
The Family of 19-Year Old Keith Warren Found Hung on a Tree 29 Years Ago in 1986 Seeks to Have Case Re-Opened
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Washington, DC — Sean Bell. Amadou Diallo. Trayvon Martin. Keith Warren. These four men and countless others have no familial or formal relationships, but their lives are interconnected as they each were victims of a grave miscarriage of justice by those who were to protect and serve their communities.
On July 30, 1986, the lives of the Warren Family, their friends, and Montgomery County Maryland community would be impacted forever as they were informed of tragic news that Keith Warren – their ambitious 19-year old son, brother, cousin, and friend – was found hung on a tree. After a brief (less than 24 hours) and “reckless” investigation, Keith’s death was ruled a suicide by the Montgomery Police Department.
Because of the amount of neglect and unanswered questions surrounding Keith’s death, his mother Mary spent the remainder of her life seeking “justice for Keith”. After her death, the torch was passed to his sister Sherri. Now, 29 years later, the family is asking the Montgomery Police Department to re-open the case to seek accountability and justice into the death of Keith.
On the family’s web site at, there are documents/texts which outline some of the pressing issues still left unanswered and unproven. For example, how can a man nearly 6 feet and 5 inches tall suspend himself in a tree that was double-bent twice his weight? Why was the same tree that his body was found on cut down shortly thereafter? Why? Furthermore, and the question that has caused them to really raise their voices again on behalf of Keith is; how is an official investigation and ruling found legitimate if it is based on falsified allegations and hearsay? In short, the family says that the investigating detective used information from unnamed, unrelated, and unverified sources to rule Keith’s death a suicide 5 hours prior to notification of next of kin.
His sister, Sherri Warren, has this to say: “From the perspective of American history; Keith’s story is not unfamiliar. In fact, it hits home almost daily. If in our society, social justice is defined as an ‘act’ or ‘set of institutions’ that are implemented in order to ensure that individuals are both fulfilled in their societal roles and receive what is due from society; America, we have fallen short. This does not mean that positive change and transgression in social justice is unattainable. We merely must take it one step; one victory at a time. Hopefully, with your support, Keith’s story and re-opening his case will be one step in the right direction. And even when this fight is won; we still have much work to do. Simply put, time is overdue in putting real closure to this case.”
For more information and documentation about the case, please
Sherri Warren
The Keith Warren Justice Foundation
Monday, August 4, 2014
Hey! I spoke to God last week and he shared his plan for humanity... would you believe me?
You can bring a laundry list of valid questions and you'll always get a clever response in return to validate. I've learned long ago to not even try. People are like leemings. They will believe and follow anything that brings a sense of belonging and safety in a world that is uncertain. Order within Chaos.
The one thing no one can deny is how God is used to justify war, genocide, prejudice and the right to take away liberties and personal choice.
I could never understand how the religious right demands to be respected, tolerated and given freedom of worship yet they will not think twice to deny you rights simply because it "offends" or goes against their own beliefs.
There is a disturbing pattern here... and it's worldwide. Everyone knows its there but no one will do anything about it. The unintended consequence is that although religion is a personal choice, its true purpose is to assert domination and control for financial gain. The offerings you give to G.O.D. go to a man or group of men for their benefit. Not yours. What you get instead is an illusion of acceptance and order.
We all need to realize that belief is only as powerful as you make it. Get a bunch of people to believe in the same thing and you become G.O.D.
Thus my alternative theory on the subject:
In the beginning, God was nothing.
... so he starting making stuff.
He made the dirt
He made the sky
He made the water
He made things that swim
Things that slither
Things with legs
God turned himself into a big shot!
Then in a couple days or a couple million years, he breathed life into Man.
And he's been sucking the life out of us ever since...
Belief is a very powerful thing. It can mold you. Inspire you. And eventually define you. To believe in a God requires the ability to believe in a higher power than yourself. Nothing in this life has true power… until you are either willing to give yours up. Or allow it to be taken from you.
The Black Sovereign Journal | Religion
Monday, July 14, 2014
Overwhelming Response to a Young Boy's Heartfelt Plea for a Family
"A waste of time."
"More work than its worth."
These are just some of the responses used by Dominants, during private conversations, when they've shared why they left the Lifestyle. Or why they only participate for sexual gratification only. For some, this is truly all they are looking for. And that's absolutely fine. As long as you are happy and content, that's all the matters. End of story.
But for others who crave something more than a weekend booty call, finding a like-minded counterpart can feel like trying to find water in the desert.
Both Doms and subs have the potential to live this Lifestyle successfully but lack the know how to integrate properly.
Key word here is "integrate".
The frustration that some Dominants face is trusting a sub to be worth the investment of time and energy to train. We know that for this to work, there has to be an equal amount of effort put into the relationship by both parties. The Dom puts in the time to train. The sub puts in the time to serve and learn. Eventually, a deep trust and comfort level is established. Ideally speaking, of course.
It is definitely not easy for the sub either. They have to face the fear of stepping out of their own comfort zone. Putting their trust in someone other than themselves. For a sub who has always been in control of his own life, that can be absolutely terrifying. The cause of that fear derives from that ominous black hole called the Unknown.
But there is a way to overcome the fear and the obstacles... integration.
Never forget that this is a relationship... no matter how you spin it. As humans and as mammals, we are drawn to find mates. The definition of a mate does not have to be traditional. Only functional.
We enter a relationship only to fill a void. To feel more complete. What feels right to you is partially determined by how you grew up. If you were an only child or was part of a large family, your environment and circumstances tend to heavily influence your personal preferences.
Thus, we return to the reality of integrating what you "know" with what you want... in the process, overcoming the Unknown.
If you take a moment to stop over thinking a situation, you'll find that half the issues and obstacles you end up encountering were created by the very man you see everyday, in the mirror.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Let's Talk About PrEP
PrEP means Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, and it’s the use of anti-HIV medication that keeps HIV negative people from becoming infected. PrEP is approved by the FDA and has been shown to be safe and effective. A single pill taken once daily, it is highly effective against HIV when taken every day. The medication interferes with HIV’s ability to copy itself in your body after you’ve been exposed. This prevents it from establishing an infection and making you sick.
Even though PrEP has been around in the U.S. for over a year, not a lot of people know about it. And, even fewer people feel like they know enough about it to be able to make an informed decision about whether or not to use it. For those who do use it, the information they have might be more focused on practical issues, like where to get it, rather than on what PrEP does in the body to prevent HIV infection.
By using animation to show PrEP in the body and why “once a day” is recommended, people can see what PrEP does and people who currently use PrEP can create an image of what happens when they take a PrEP pill every day.
View the video to get information about PrEP and see an illustration of how it can work inside the body to prevent HIV infection.
Learn More About PrEP - PrEP information page (
AIDSinfoNet - Reliable, Up-To-Date Treatment Information (
AVAC - Global Advocacy for HIV Prevention (
Avert - AVERTing HIV and AIDS (
CDC - Questions and Answers from the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (
My PrEP Experience - Real stories from real people who adopted PrEP for prevention in the US (
PrEP Facts - San Francisco AIDS Foundation PrEP information in visual format for MSM and heterosexual individuals, with an option for Spanish (
PrEP Watch - Interactive webpage with information and resources on gaining access to PrEP (
PrEParing for HIV - An Epidemic Interventions Initiative by the University of California
Project Inform - Videos, publications and resources (
SFHIV - City and County of San Francisco Department of Public Health’s PrEP information page (
Guidance for Use of PrEP in Practice and Research Settings
WHO - World Health Organization (
CDC - Downloadable PDF from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (
From the Makers of Truvada - Information about Truvada for PrEP for healthcare providers, consumers and educators - Downloadable forms and resources for PrEP prescribers and users - Questions and Answers about Truvada for PrEP
This video and What is PrEP? is brought to you by the PrEP REP project, led by K Rivet Amico, University of Connecticut, and Sybil Hosek, Stroger Hospital of Cook County Chicago, in collaboration with Chris Balthazar, Stroger Hospital. Animation by Tom Coggia.
This project was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc. The content and views expressed in this video are those of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the views, opinions or positions of and should not be attributed to the funder for the PrEP REP project or affiliated institutions.
This work is free to be shared, distributed or transmitted. It may not be altered or transformed without permission under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Personal Servant
If your application is accepted, you will initially be assigned duties similar to that of a personal assistant. This will require you to be flexible skill-wise. I will only consider applications from those who provide a full, informative introduction about themselves. This is not a hookup ad.
Treat this rare opportunity with the respect and seriousness of a coveted job interview.
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Some of your assigned responsibilities may include:
- Housekeeping/Butler/Cook
- Personal/Intimate Care
- Travel/vacation companionship
- Chauffeuring
- Administrative assistant
- Website maintenance (if applicable)
Entry level (inexperienced) applicants should select "Part Time" when applying.
Serving part time is a great way to start if you have never served a Dominant before. It allows more flexibility and balance until you get accustomed to your added responsibilities. You will have a dedicated service day(s) that is mandatory to observe. This will be discussed and agreed upon prior to its establishment.
Are there opportunities to advance?
Yes, opportunities to promote to Full-Time will become available after one complete year of satisfactory service. However, you may approach for consideration for an upgrade after the first three months of consistent service. You will be required to demonstrate good time management skills.
Mandatory Interview
Once your application has been received and accepted, you will be required to appear for an interview either in-person or via webcam (using either Skype or Google Hangout) within 1 week or your application becomes invalid. Interview times are flexible based upon availability.
[infopane color="6" icon="0182.png"]SERVICE APPLICATION[/infopane]
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Thursday, June 12, 2014
BSJ The World According to ME (2004)
I was looking through some old blog postings of mine from a site I hadn't used in years and found one of my notorious political rants from the 2000's or as I call it... the Bushwacked Decade. The World According to Me was written shortly after the Katrina incident in 2004. The same year I turned 30.
I still cannot believe that was 10 years ago... still getting used to turning 40!
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Okay. I'm going to do what I promised myself that I wouldn't do... share my personal opinions on this site... but since there is a blog option...
This will most likely be the ONLY non-sexual rant you'll read from me. But it's good to vent every now and then...
We all know that the world is just fucked up. But how did it get that way? Well... sadly, it's always been like that. We, as a society of multi-cultural differences, have not learned to embrace individuality... and I mean TRULY embrace it without prejudice (or simply tolerating it). We always seem to want to make others conform to our own way of thinking without considering what the other person wants and finding a way to incorporate or co-exist.
And what happens when you force someone to follow your beliefs and lifestyle? They rebel... they contribute to social decline... they become emotionally unstable... they kill out of anger because they are unhappy and oppressed. There are so many reactions that would be the result and all of them NEGATIVE.
Would it hurt society to simply accept a person's difference despite their own personal belief system? What do you accomplish by denying a person their right to live life the way they want as long as they do not harm another in the process? Nothing but subjugation... enslavement, if you will.
- Think of the Spanish Inquisition.
- Think of that stupid ass war between the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland.
- Think of why the Pilgrims left England to settle in America.
- Think of what the Pilgrims (Puritans) did once they settled in America.
- Think of the time when the world witnessed TWO POPES (the one appointed by a King in France to reside in Versailles... and the other in Italy).
- Think of ALL of the various denominations of the same damn faith.
- Think of what the Europeans did to every race of people who were unlike themselves.
- Think of the African American and Jewish holocausts (and yes, I said African American holocaust... there was one but not on the scale of what the Jewish people went through).
- Think of the current problem of fundamentalism in the world. Religious extremists who will use violence and create civil unrest without second thought to advance their cause and force their beliefs on the public.
Every social problem that I can think of has a religous root... in one form or another. And I've gotten tired of it. I grew up in a Southern Baptist/Catholic home. Went to a catholic parochial school (attending Mass twice a month) and my mom's baptist church on Sundays. This was all a compromise between my parents... note that I didn't have a say in the matter because it was for my own good.
Of course, I rebelled. I HATE going to church. It's boring, plain and simple. Although, the Baptists do make things lively... especially if you have a talented pastor and a few old women in the audience who get the "holy spirit" at appropriate intervals of the service.
I decided in the 5th grade to reprogram myself. This involved going beyond the classroom to learn about life and the world as we know it. I just refused to believe that one book has all the answers. A book written and rewritten, added and subtracted from numerous times by Man.
Only a fool would allow themselves to embrace a belief that someone else told them to believe in. It's the same as a child learning how to hate from their parents and having that learning bred into their consciousness instead of just allowing the child to form their own opinions and beliefs with just a little nudge and support here and there to keep them from getting overwhelmed.
Our everyday experiences shape who we are... and what we are to become. Maybe it's time mankind learned to pay better attention to how their words, actions, and beliefs affect others whether positively or negatively.
Let's talk about some of the issues that could be resolved with simple reasoning...
I'm pro-choice AND anti-abortion. How? Simple, I don't believe in ending a life no matter what stage it's in BUT at the same time, I have no business putting my beliefs on someone who has their own reasons for ending the pregnancy. Also, lets be real here... woman produce THOUSANDS of eggs during their lifetime. I would rather see planned pregnacies than seeing a bunch of women on welfare and assistance surrounded by 5 or more kids they can't give the right amount of attention to.
And let's not get me started on the problem of women getting pregnant on purpose just to get that welfare check.
Waiting until it's the right time to bring a child into this world is more humane than having a child you can't take care of. Some would say give the baby up for adoption. A nice alternative, yes... and that would work for some but not by all. Adoption only works if there's an immediate home for the child directly after birth. I know way too many screwed up people who got tossled around between sometimes loveless, abusive foster care situations or orphanages. I wouldn't wish that kind of existence on my worst enemy. It's like "sorry we couldn't find you a permanent home but you're 18 now and we don't give a shit about you anymore!"
This all goes back to embracing individuality. You must respect a woman's right to make decisions about her own body. All that you can do is offer alternatives in case she isn't aware of them. And then hope that she makes the right decision for herself. That's all we can do. That's all we SHOULD do.
Ok, here's a touchier subject. Does everyone have the right to die regardless of the law? ABSOLUTELY! People die everyday without their consent so what's wrong with allowing someone to end it voluntarily. The Right-wingers will preach up and down about the sanctity of life yet if you say WAR, they will send them to die by the score! So is assisted suicide and euthanasia right or is it wrong? Not relevant here.
Remember that little thing about embracing individuality? We must respect the wishes of those who have made a conscious decision to end their life. I would hope that the person choosing to end their life would go over their decision with their loved ones prior to actually going through with it. Otherwise, there's no closure for the family, friends, and everyone else who are close to that person.
This is also an opportunity for those loved ones to try and convince the person to change their mind. But if that fails, then at least an attempt has been made by the ONLY people who matter and would be the most affected by a decision such as this one... their loved ones.
I don't know what the big deal is about this subject. Even though marriage is supposed to be a sacred blessing from "God"... why in the hell aren't people more concerned about the high rate of divorce??? Isn't that breaking that sacred oath you made to "God" to stay together through THICK AND THIN... until DEATH do you part?
Let's get real here and historical for a moment... through the ages, marriage has been a business arrangement between two families usually for financial gain. Rarely has a marriage been formed out of love. Hell, even some families betrothed their offspring the moment they were born!!! Also keep in mind that women didn't have the same rights as we do today. In many common situations, they were nothing more than vessals to continue a blood line or a man's personal slave.
Forgot about that, didn't you?
Marriage is a crock, in my view, simply because of the novelty of it. People have forgotten what marriage is really supposed to be about. Many marriages are those of convenience. My parents marriage only because they were pregnant with me. Very little love was there at the beginning. Luckily, they became the closest of friends over time.
Some couples aren't that lucky. Think Britney Spears.
In my view, gay marriage is just a way for those men and women to be able to legally support their loved ones in life and most importantly in death. How would you feel if your significant other was sick and you were denied access to see them? Think about that the next time you object to legalizing gay marriage. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do about love and recognition of that special bond.
Admit it... conservatives simply don't want their precious tax breaks going to people who are objectable to the foundation of their faith. Grow up and pay attention to what's going on in your own bedroom.
Stop with the whole marriage is sacred crap. If it's so sacred, then ban divorce. Show us that marriage really is as big of a deal as you make it. Preserve it for Christ sake! Get rid of divorce and make marriage a one-time PERMANENT situation and I'll have alot more respect for the institution.
... and it will solve your gay's wanting to marry issue too. How? Simple, it will force them to look at their lives a little harder so that they don't end up with someone they may hate for the rest of their lives... after the novelty and lust wears off.
In a perfect world, all young people would not have sex until they were married. That would be ideal. Hell, even I was a virgin until I was 19. But it wasn't easy keeping it from the 8th grade on. Peer pressure at school is the common denominator in adolescent sexual activity. That and not enough parents educating their kids on what sex is and why to hold off until adulthood. I remember getting the whole "birds and the bees" story from my mom. After she was done, I thanked her for her time and hugged her to show that I did appreciate what she tried to do... then I made a beeline for my dad, got him to take me out for ice cream and during the trips to and fro, got the unedited truth about sex. My dad could always be counted on to be blunt as hell.
Anyway, because of my dad's moral code of never lying about anything, I knew what sex was about. I wasn't old enough to get horny at that time so didn't fully understand why guys wanted to even get that close to girls but when puberty hit... whoa buddy!!! My hand certainly WAS my best friend... and I have no shame in admitting that.
When my dad found out about my extracirricular activities, he further told me about the risks of having sex and that kept me from making some dumb mistakes. If it wasn't for those open talks about sex with my dad, I would have been a teenage father like many of my other classmates were.
But that was the kind of upbringing that I had. Not everyone is lucky enough to have parents that are that open with their children about the facts of life. Many choose to keep their offspring in ignorance and then bemoan the fact that their kid is now having a kid or has some nasty STD... or worse.
Stupidity breeds stupidity. Stop pushing abstinance as the ONLY form of birth control and start educating the children about the dangers of not being abstinant. No matter what you do though, kids will do what they want regardless of your intentions for them. So you might as well arm them with enough knowledge to protect themselves and make the right decision when the situation calls for it. With the public now becoming more knowledgable about child molestation/rape, teen pregnancies and child sex offenders, it's time to take this problem by the hand and guide it where it needs to go... history.
Awareness is a powerful thing once you look at the big picture and just do what is right by the child and not what you feel is right. Would you send your child (who doesn't know how to swim)into a pool without some sort of floatation device?
Is it me or does it seem like we spend billions of dollars funding programs in other countries when the government is constantly cutting BACK on domestic programs and services for it's own people??? As callous as this sounds, I have a right to be selfish with my money but... keep OUR dollars in the United States and fucking FUND the programs to help the very people whose hard earned money pays for it all. Yes, we have a role in helping developing countries but we have a bigger responsibility right here at home... to ourselves. Why do teachers have to purchase their own supplies? Why have so many programs been cut because of the lack of funding?
And let's not even get me started on the failure that was the Katrina Disaster Rescue effort.
There should be NO REASON why any social program for citizens PAID BY citizens should be cut. If money is lacking, then cut aid to other foreign initiatives until the very country you live in has had it's fill. It's like the golden rule in the guide to becoming a millionaire, you always PAY YOURSELF FIRST. Before paying for anything else.
I hope the next president has the sense to make domestic security their main focus because America is ready for a change. America is starving for a little affection from it's government. Because quite frankly, we are all tired of being continually put in the "later" pile of things to do.
These are my personal opinions. Not seeking to change the world... just to give a different point of view for those who see them differently as well.
The Black Sovereign Journal | The World According to Black Sovereign
Sunday, June 8, 2014
XCam Modeling
[infopane color="6" icon="0182.png"]
Benefits of being an XCam webcam model include:
- Earning 40% of all revenue generated
- Receiving instant payouts via PayPal
- A very flexible performance schedule
- Becoming property of Black Sovereign*
All revenue earned will be delivered via a free PayPal account. Why PayPal? Simple. It costs very little or nothing to transfer funds between accounts. And you can apply for a free PayPal MasterCard debit card to gain access to your earnings or link a checking or savings account to deposit the funds directly. Don't want to use PayPal? Other payment options can be discussed however a convenience fee will be added.
For more information, please fill out the form below.
Performing online can be a rewarding experience for those who enjoy taking orders and pleasing. This position is perfect for those who do not have the availability to serve in a more consistent manner. You choose your own hours with the goal of generating income for your Master as a way to be of service... while making a little extra income for yourself.
[infopane color="6" icon="0182.png"]
Applicants will be required to provide proof of age via a valid photo ID. Non-US applicants may apply as long as you have a way to prove your identity. This only pertains to revenue earned from public performances made through our media affiliate, Streamate.
Don't forget to include your photo or video with your submitted application. Failure to upload the requested items will result in a denial of your application. If the upload feature on the application form fails, make sure to offer to send a photo or video via email.
*XCam models are considered part time employees of Black Sovereign Media (BSM). This designation grants the model incredible freedom to set their own schedule and contact with Black Sovereign. Private shows may be requested and the model will be required to find time to provide entertainment via webcam unless geographically available.
One complete year of service will entitle a XCam model to apply for an "upgrade". Please use the form below to inquire for more details.
[one_half] [infopane color="6" icon="0182.png"]
XCam Application Form
[contact-form-7 id="16798" title="XCam Model Application"] [/one_half]
[infopane color="6" icon="0182.png"]
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you allow your performers to meet their fans/customers in person?
I am currently experimenting with that option with Slave 10. I do not run an escort service but if a customer is willing to schedule and work out details for a LIVE show then it would be considered. They would get the same performances in person as they would on-cam. There may be exceptions made on a case-by-case basis. All terms of such a performance would be agreed upon before final approval.
Is being an employee for XCam the same as being a submissive for Black Sovereign?
To be considered an XCam model, yes. Although you will be paid a percentage of the revenue earned, you take your orders from Black Sovereign directly. This is a great opportunity for those who have limited availability or only engage in the Lifestyle when its convenient. You are not under a contract so you can leave at anytime.
How does webcam modeling benefit me?
Performing online can be a rewarding experience for those who enjoy taking orders and pleasing. This position is perfect for those who do not have the availability to serve in a more consistent manner. You choose your own hours with the goal of generating income for your Master as a way to be of service… while making a little extra income for yourself.
[infopane color="6" icon="0182.png"]
More Frequently Asked Questions
Do you hire models who wish to be NSA?
You can wear a mask or otherwise hide your identity when performing online. But for purposes of earning revenue, you must provide proof of age which means a copy of a photo ID. An alternative is to make your own videos that can be sold independently. These are usually recorded performance from cam shows but if you are creative enough, you can perform off-camera and submit your videos to Black Sovereign for sale. Note that sale videos can take longer to turn a profit compared to cam modeling's per minute pricing.
Instead of performing online, I'd rather produce my own private home videos for sale. Do you accept Video Modeling-only applications?
We understand that some do not wish to broadcast themselves LIVE on a webcam site. However, that is what the job was designed for. You may explain why you wish to be considered for just video modeling but you would be required to submit a sample video for consideration.
When would I get paid and are there any other options than PayPal?
All performers receive a payout at the end of the month. Make a profit that month and get a payout on the last day or weekend of that same month. There is a threshold of at least $20 earned before payout is granted, otherwise, any revenue earned is carried over into the next month (and so on) until the threshold is reached for another payout.
PayPal is the preferred method for payouts as transfers are free. Getting a PayPal account is simple and easy. They offer a debit card so you can access the funds. Or you can link an existing checking or savings account to have funds transferred and deposited directly. If you wish to use another method, it can be discussed for feasibility however, there would be a convenience fee deducted from each payout. The amount of said fee would be discussed prior to accepting the alternative payout option.
[biginfopane textcolor="#ffffff" title="XCam Models | Slave 10" href="" button_title="Check out Slave 10's page" full_width="true"]Slave 10 has been a model for XCam since 2012. Check out his site to get a feel for what he does for us. [/biginfopane]
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
My History | Melanesian Ancestry
My History explores recent DNA revelations concerning Black Sovereign's genetic past.
Black Sovereign's DNA Test Results
AFRICA (86%)
- Nigeria - 57%
- Mali - 17%
- Southeastern Bantu - 3%
- Senegal - 3%
- South-Central Hunter-Gatherers - 3%
- Cameroon - 1%
- Benin - less than 1%
- Ghana - less than 1%
EUROPE (13%)
- Britain - 6%
- Europe West - 5%
- Italy - less than 1%
- Iberian Peninsula - less than 1%
- Melanesia - less than 1%
Primarily located in: Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, Fiji, Aboriginal Australia
Also found in: Solomon Islands, New Caledonia
Including the continent of Australia, New Guinea and the island chains of the Bismarck and Solomon Archipelagos, the Melanesian region is home to some of the worlds' best-preserved primitive societies. The ancient populations of Melanesia remained mostly separated from the rest of the world for tens of thousands of years. A combination of geographical isolation, rugged terrain and few crops and animals suitable for domestication led to the perpetuation of ancient technology and culture.
How Black Sovereign compares to the typical person native to the Melanesia region
[infopane color="1" icon="0101.png"]Black Sovereign : <1% ... ... ... Typical native : 100%[/infopane]
Genetic Diversity in the Melanesia Region
The people living in the Melanesia region are less admixed than most other regions, which means that when creating genetic ethnicity estimates for people native to this area, we rarely see even small amounts of similarities to DNA profiles from other nearby regions. We’ve found that approximately 100% of the typical native’s DNA comes from this region.
We have used our reference panel to build a genetic profile for Melanesia. The blue chart above shows examples of ethnicity estimates for people from this region. For Melanesia, we see a very narrow range—most people have very little (if any) DNA shared with neighboring regions. However, there are some exceptions—a small minority of people have DNA showing only 81% similarity to this profile. In addition, about 43% of individuals from this region have at least some DNA similar to the Polynesia region. (See chart above, in green.)
Population History
The first settlers
The Melanesia region includes Papua New Guinea, Australia and the island chains to the east including Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Fiji. The word “Melanesian” is more of a geographical name than a description of an ethnic group, so its meaning in this context is somewhat vague. But, in general, the indigenous population of the region can be broken down into pre-Austronesian (including Papuans and Aboriginal Australians) and Austronesian.
As early as 50,000 years ago, the first modern humans made the narrow sea crossing from Southeast Asia to the Melanesia region after following the southern coastal route out of Africa. About 25,000 years ago, at the height of the last glacial period, Australia, Tasmania and Papua New Guinea were part of the same landmass, called Sahul. They were separated about 10,000 years ago, when melting glaciers caused the sea level to rise.
Papua New Guinea is one of the few places in the world where agriculture was developed locally, rather than being imported from elsewhere. But the wild plants available to the indigenous inhabitants did not lend themselves to intense cultivation. The main crop grown by the Papuans, prior to the arrival of sweet potatoes, was taro. Papua New Guinea is also home to more than 850 distinct languages, making it one of the most diverse countries in the world. Australia also once had hundreds of unique indigenous languages, particularly in the tropical northern regions, although most are now extinct.
Although the Aboriginal Australians aren't technically considered Melanesian, the groups that initially populated Papua New Guinea and Australia probably arrived from Southeast Asia at roughly the same time. There was some interaction among the Melanesians, Australians and other islanders in the area, but the Aboriginal Australians did not adopt agriculture to the same extent as most other Melanesians (possibly due to their harsher climate). With the exception of some tribes along the coast that relied more heavily on fishing, most Aboriginal tribes remained semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers until the arrival of Europeans in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Austronesian influence
A second wave of settlers, the Austronesians, arrived much later, around 3,500 to 3,000 years ago. Most scholars believe that their homeland was the island of Formosa, or modern-day Taiwan, off the east coast of China. Accomplished sailors, the Neolithic Austronesians settled the north coast of Papua New Guinea and the Bismarck and Solomon Islands, bringing domesticated chickens, pigs and a few additional crops. They are probably the ancestors of the Lapita culture, which reached as far east as Tonga, most likely giving rise to the Polynesian culture that spread throughout the Pacific Ocean.
Additional genetic facts about the Melanesia region
The Denisovans were “archaic humans,” similar to the Neanderthals, who lived in Siberia and Asia more than 40,000 years ago. There was a significant amount of interbreeding among Denisovans, Neanderthals and modern humans. In fact, it is possible that all non-African humans possess a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA. Similarly, Denisovans may have interbred with modern humans, but the Melanesians and Aboriginal Australians may be among the only existing populations to possess Denisovan DNA. The ultimate fate of the Denisovans is unknown. It is possible that they were killed off by modern humans, or that they were outcompeted and assimilated.
Among the interesting characteristics of Melanesian and Aboriginal Australian populations is the evolution of blond hair, which is believed to have developed independently of the blond hair seen in Europeans.
Did You Know?
There are possibly more than 40 tribes in the mountains of Papua New Guinea that have never been contacted by modern society.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
My History | Iberian Peninsula Ancestry
My History explores recent DNA revelations concerning Black Sovereign's genetic past.
Black Sovereign's DNA Test Results
AFRICA (86%)
- Nigeria - 57%
- Mali - 17%
- Southeastern Bantu - 3%
- Senegal - 3%
- South-Central Hunter-Gatherers - 3%
- Cameroon - 1%
- Benin - less than 1%
- Ghana - less than 1%
EUROPE (13%)
- Britain - 6%
- Europe West - 5%
- Italy - less than 1%
- Iberian Peninsula - less than 1%
- Melanesia - less than 1%
Iberian Peninsula
Primarily located in: Spain, Portugal
Also found in: France, Morocco, Algeria, Italy
Separated from the rest of continental Europe by the Pyrenees Mountains, the Iberian Peninsula lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Gibraltar, at the peninsula’s southern tip, is just a little over nine miles from the north coast of Africa. This proximity would play a major part in the history and identity of Spain and Portugal.
How Black Sovereign compares to the typical person native to the Iberian Peninsula region
[infopane color="1" icon="0101.png"]Black Sovereign : <1% ... ... ... Typical native : 51%[/infopane]
Genetic Diversity in the Iberian Peninsula Region
The people living in the Iberian Peninsula region are fairly admixed, which means that when creating genetic ethnicity estimates for people native to this area, we see similarities to DNA profiles from other nearby regions. We’ve found that approximately 51% of the typical native’s DNA comes from this region.
We have used our reference panel to build a genetic profile for the Iberian Peninsula. The blue chart above shows examples of ethnicity estimates for people native to this region. For the Iberian Peninsula, we see a fairly wide range of results. Some natives have only 19% of their DNA showing similarity to this profile, while there is a larger group which shows 100% similarity. Since approximately 51% of the typical native’s DNA comes from this region, 49% is more similar to surrounding areas such as the Italy/Greece region (see chart above, in green).
Population History
People of prehistoric Iberia
The Iberian Peninsula has been inhabited for more than a million years, from the Paleolithic Cro-Magnon and Neanderthals to modern Homo sapiens. A number of Iberian civilizations had developed by the Bronze Age and were trading with other Mediterranean communities. Celtic tribes arrived from central Europe and settled in the northern and western parts of the peninsula, intermixing with the local populations. Phoenician colonies (later controlled by the powerful Carthaginians) dotted the Mediterranean coast. The Greeks named the region “Iberia,” after the Ebro River.
The Carthaginians were the naval superpower of their day, controlling most of the maritime trade in the western Mediterranean. They ran afoul of the growing Roman Empire in the 3rd century B.C., however. Local disputes between city-states in Sicily escalated into a broader conflict between the two empires, triggering the Punic Wars (264 B.C. to 146 B.C.).
Iberia was a major source of manpower and revenue for the Carthaginian military, which relied heavily on mercenary soldiers. The great Carthaginian general, Hannibal, led the Iberian forces in a surprise assault on northern Italy—and even Rome itself—by marching his armies, including several dozen war elephants, over the Alps. Although Hannibal was a brilliant strategist and won several victories against the Romans, his invasion ultimately failed. He was forced to retreat to Carthage, and the Iberian colonies and territories that had been controlled by Carthage then became a province of the Roman Empire, known as Hispania.
Rome launched a number of campaigns to conquer the remainder of the peninsula, bringing most of the region under Roman rule. Latin replaced almost all of the locally spoken languages and eventually evolved into modern Spanish and Portuguese. One exception is the Basque language, which survived in the remote foothills of the Pyrenees. Many scholars believe Basque pre-dates the arrival of the Indo-European languages, brought by the Celtic and Iberian tribes during the Bronze Age.
Germanic Visigoth kingdom
The Migration Period, or Völkerwanderung, was a vast movement of primarily Germanic tribes throughout Europe, beginning around 400 A.D. These wandering tribes completely transformed central and western Europe, conquering and displacing populations over the course of centuries. The Roman Empire had already been divided into two parts, with the emperor ruling from the new eastern capital in Byzantium. The Western Empire, including Rome itself, was overrun by successive waves of Germanic invaders, including the Visigoths and the Vandals. The Visigoths continued west from Italy and established the Visigoth Kingdom, which occupied the majority of the Iberian Peninsula. They converted to Catholicism around 589 A.D. and were completely assimilated by the indigenous Hispano-Roman population, as evidenced by the loss of the Gothic language and a lack of any substantial genetic difference between the groups.
Islamic rule
North Africa remained part of the Roman and Byzantine Empires for centuries after the defeat of Carthage. But in the late 7th century, the region was conquered by the Umayyad Caliphate, a vast Muslim empire based in Syria. The North African Muslims consisted mostly of indigenous Berbers and an Arab minority, collectively called "Moors" by the Europeans.
In 711 A.D., the Moors crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and conquered the Visigoth Kingdom and most of Iberia, forcing the Christian Visigoths to retreat to the northern part of the peninsula. Iberia became a province of the Umayyad Caliphate called Al-Andalus. While many converted to Islam and adopted the Arabic language, the majority of the population remained Christian and spoke Latin.
The duration of Muslim rule varied, lasting only a few decades in the north and nearly 800 years in the south. Al-Andalus broke away from the Caliphate after the overthrow of the Umayyads in Syria and became an independent emirate ruled by a succession of Muslim dynasties. From 722 to 1492, the Christian kingdoms of the north relentlessly fought to regain control of the peninsula in a campaign called “the Reconquista” (or re-conquest), but they made limited headway until the 13th century. By then, Muslim rule had fractured into a number of smaller, competing emirates, which made them more vulnerable.
Age of discovery
In 1469, the Christian Kingdoms of Leon, Castile, and Aragon were brought together by the marriage of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand II. Although the thrones technically remained separate, their royal union created a new political entity, España, laying the foundation for the modern Kingdom of Spain. Portugal was also established as a distinct country at this time, and the boundaries between the two nations have remained virtually unchanged since then.
The year 1492 was especially busy for Ferdinand and Isabella. They issued the “Alhambra Decree,” which expelled all Jews from Spain, scattering them throughout the Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East. They also defeated the last Muslim stronghold at Grenada, bringing an end to the Reconquista. In addition, Ferdinand and Isabella financed the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World, beginning a period of exploration, colonization and exploitation of the Americas. Called the Age of Discovery, it led to immense wealth and power for Spain, as they became an unmatched maritime power and extracted gold, silver and other resources from their colonies across the Atlantic. To this day, Spanish remains the second most widely spoken language in the world. Portugal kept pace with its neighbors, establishing the first trade route around the southern tip of Africa, as well as numerous colonies, including Brazil.
Did You Know?
The Portuguese explorer, Bartholomew Dias, was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa. He named it the "Cape of Storms," but it is now called the Cape of Good Hope.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
My History | Italian Ancestry
My History explores recent DNA revelations concerning Black Sovereign's genetic past.
Black Sovereign's DNA Test Results
AFRICA (86%)
- Nigeria - 57%
- Mali - 17%
- Southeastern Bantu - 3%
- Senegal - 3%
- South-Central Hunter-Gatherers - 3%
- Cameroon - 1%
- Benin - less than 1%
- Ghana - less than 1%
EUROPE (13%)
- Britain - 6%
- Europe West - 5%
- Italy - less than 1%
- Iberian Peninsula - less than 1%
- Melanesia - less than 1%
Primarily located in: Italy, Greece
Also found in: France, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia, Romania, Turkey, Slovenia, Algeria, Tunisia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo
Located in the south of Europe, against the Mediterranean Sea, this region gave rise to some of the most iconic and powerful cultures the Western world has known. The Greeks were first, with their pantheon of gods, legendary heroes, philosophers and artists. They subsequently influenced the Romans, whose vast empire spread its ideas and language across Europe.
How Black Sovereign compares to the typical person native to the Italy/Greece region
[infopane color="1" icon="0101.png"]Black Sovereign : <1% ... ... ... Typical native : 72%[/infopane]
Genetic Diversity in the Italy/Greece Region
The people living in the Italy/Greece region are admixed, which means that when creating genetic ethnicity estimates for individuals native to this area, we frequently see some similarities to DNA profiles from other nearby regions. We’ve found that approximately 72% of the typical native’s DNA comes from this region.
We have used our reference panel to build a genetic profile for Italy/Greece. The blue chart above shows examples of ethnicity estimates for people native to this region. Most Italy/Greece natives have between 65% and 100% of their DNA showing similarity to this profile. It’s also possible, however, to find people whose DNA shows very little similarity. Since approximately 72% of the typical native’s DNA comes from this region, 28% of his or her DNA is more similar to other regions, such as the Caucasus, Middle East, Iberian Peninsula, and Europe West.
Population History
Prehistoric Italy/Greece
The history of this region is dominated by two titans: the Greeks and the Romans. During the height of the Classical Era, the Greeks introduced cultural, civic and philosophical ideas and innovations that heavily influenced the Roman Empire and, in turn, laid the foundations of Western civilization.
Ancient Greece was settled by four different Greek-speaking groups. During the Bronze Age, Mycenaean Greece of Homer's epics consisted of the Achaeans, Aeolians and Ionians. It was one of the great powers of its time. The remaining group, the Dorians, rose to prominence around 1100 B.C. when the Mycenaean civilization collapsed. The influence of these groups spread beyond mainland Greece to the western coastline of modern Turkey and the islands of the Aegean Sea.
The Greeks also founded colonies in southern Italy and Sicily. Called Magna Graecia in Latin, these settlements existed alongside the native tribes of the Italian peninsula, including the Etruscans, Umbrians and Latins. The Latins would later build their capital in Rome, drawing heavily on the culture of their Greek neighbors.
Colonies of Italy/Greece
Besides Sicily and southern Italy, the Greeks established many more colonies around the Mediterranean, from approximately 750 B.C. until 500 B.C. Established as small city-states, most of these colonies were trading outposts. Others were created by refugees when Greek cities were overrun and the displaced inhabitants looked for new land. More than 90 Greek colonies were established, from Ukraine and Russia to the north, Turkey to the east, southern Spain in the west, and Egypt and Libya in the south.
The Classical Age of Greece began around the 5th century B.C. It was the era of Athens, Sparta, the birth of democracy, and many of Greece’s famous playwrights and philosophers. After two bloody wars with the Persian Empire, Athens and Sparta went to war with each other, leading to the eventual decline of both. The Macedonian king, Philip II, united the Greek city-states in 338 B.C. After Philip’s assassination, his son, Alexander the Great, became king of Macedonia and carried out his father’s plans to invade Persia. Alexander led his armies in conquest of the Middle East, part of India, and Egypt, spreading the Greek language and culture throughout much of the ancient world.
His triumph was short-lived, however; he died on his campaign and his conquered territories were divided among his generals. But many important Greek cities and colonies were established and remained under Greek rule, including Seleucia, Antioch and Alexandria.
While Greece spread its influence eastward, the small city of Rome was growing into a regional power in Italy. As the Roman Republic expanded, it established colonies of Roman citizens to maintain control of newly conquered lands. By the time Julius Caesar seized power from the Senate, the Roman war machine was nearly unstoppable. Soldiers who served for years in the military were rewarded with land in Roman colonies throughout the empire, which stretched from Turkey and the Middle East to Spain and northern France.
Invasion of the barbarians
During the late Roman Empire, Constantine the Great established Constantinople as the eastern capital of the Roman Empire. The Empire was divided and, as the focus of power shifted away from Rome, the Western Empire was left vulnerable to a series of invasions by Goths, Huns, Visigoths and Heruli. In 476 B.C. a Germanic soldier, Odoacer, deposed the last Western Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, signaling the fall of the old Roman Empire. The Eastern Empire continued to flourish, becoming known as the Byzantine Empire. Odoacer was soon murdered by the Ostrogoth ruler Theodoric. Although the barbarians had seized Rome, they never established a major settlement in Italy.
From around 610 A.D. to 867 A.D., the Byzantine Empire was attacked by numerous groups, including the Persians, Lombards, Avars, Slavs, Arabs, Normans, Franks, Goths and Bulgars. During the 8th and 9th centuries, the empire slowly freed Greece from these invaders. The Slavs had the most success at establishing permanent settlements in Greece, although they, too, were eventually defeated and banished from the Greek peninsula.
During this time, Greek-speaking people from Sicily and Asia Minor migrated to Greece, and a large number of Sephardic Jews emigrated from Spain to Greece, as well.
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire conquered the Byzantine Empire, expanding through Greece and capturing Athens in 1458. Many of the Greek scholars fled and migrated to Christian Western Europe. Ottoman colonies were established in several areas in Greece, and held on until Greek independence was declared in 1821.
Italy in the Middle Ages
During the 12th and 13th centuries, the city-states of Italy developed trading and banking institutions. They established a wealth of trading relationships with the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic powers, all around the Mediterranean. The escalation in trade lead to a resurgence of financial power in Italy, allowing it to create Italian colonies as far away as the Black Sea.
Did You Know?
Togas weren’t worn by everyone in ancient Rome. After the 2nd century B.C., only freeborn Roman men were allowed to wear them as a symbol of their citizenship.
The Greeks were the first to develop an alphabet with vowels and it has been used to write the Greek language since 800 B.C.