Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Everyone sounds like everyone else. Catch phrases and slogans are overused to the point that they are a turnoff because we have gotten lazy. Very few of us actually know what it means to be "original".
The colorful art of being unique and one-of-a-kind is almost dead. Yes, sadly so. But... every so often, you come across someone who captures your interest long enough to read further than their stats or their pics.
That how it used to be. How it should be... if you are serious about creating that great first impression. If not, then continue to coast and emulate. Feast on the scraps of what you perceive to be as "good enough".
It works for most of us who don't know any better. But for others... they want more.
Finding a good sub or Dom is hard enough. Building a relationship with that sub or Dom is damn near difficult without establishing trust. But if you can't back up the claims you make with actions... you destroy that fragile trust.
And in many cases, you can never get it back.
No one ever thinks about the collateral damage lies and disrespect leaves in its wake.
Legions of potential Doms and subs left doubtful and suspicious of any good intentions or motives. This goes beyond just simply being cautious. Ruining any chances for the next person who has the sincerest of intentions to try and make up for the mistakes of others before him.
Once you've been burned, that kind of stink doesn't wash off with tomato juice... it lingers. Festers the mind with doubt and mistrust. Virtually destroying all hope of that Dom or sub allowing themselves to want more than what they feel is "safe".
Thus, the current cycle of mistrust is born and recycled. Over and over and over again.
The only way to stop this domino effect is to be true to your word(s). Even if you feel fear, don't take the cowards way out and bail (disappear). Stay. Talk it out and explain how you feel. You'd be surprised at the level of understanding you may receive in return. Most times, your counterpart may actually have the exact same fears as you do.
Novel concept isn't it?
Try it.
Actions speak louder than words... every single time.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The Black Inferiority Complex
Black Inferiority Complex is attributed as the lack of self-worth and pride some Blacks may feel about themselves.
This post was inspired by an email I received of my BSN FetLife group about a recent incident. It contains my response to the matter:
BSN Member
written 1 day ago:
It has been 8 days since we have spoken MASTER but here I feel I have to tell you that a Black Brother in Fetlife has declared himself a slave to the white man and wants to give blow jobs to us filth. He is attached to the Pigs Group and calls himself a N**r. His nickname is..........luvaboy and has a photograph of one of the brothers in a steel collar. Is this not wrong and does is not bring the name of BLACK SUPERIORITY into disrepute MASTER. Shame on him !! It would be very good if the photograph was of me MASTER. Is there anything you can do about that as he is the FIRST Black Brother I have seen do this !! I wait to hear from you MASTER.
written 39 minutes ago:
That is horrible to hear about. I have come across Black men who seem drawn to the race play aspect and for whatever reason choose to demean themselves. This could be due to something that happened in their childhood or a mental imbalance.
It is sad to hear about this and at the same time angering. This also goes to show that Superiority is a state of mind. That Black man (notice I do not consider him a brother) is not a Black Superior. He is a submissive, lower than my status. Only strong Black men who know their own right and power can claim to be Superior.
In this case, I feel sadness for the man for he obviously does not feel he is worthy of respect.
You should take this opportunity to reach out to him. Explain to him that as HIS INFERIOR, he is considered a KING and not a slave to the white man. This will have more meaning coming from the very white men that he is seeking to serve. It would have more effective that way.
BSN Member
written less than a minute ago:
I shall try MASTER but the very thought of a Black Brother being into taking a white pigs seed is very much beyond my belief - YUCK ! It makes me sick ! Also to see a Black Man in a steel collar truly makes me feel so much better to have made the crossing to serve BLACK SUPERIORS and to be a traitor to my pale insipid colour I shall never want to change from being in service to the BLACK RACE. I worship you all MASTER x
I do believe that for the most part it is about fetish race play. But as I mentioned in my response to the sub, it could be a sign of mental illness as well. In the past, it has angered me to the point of wanting to beat some sense into my fellow brother. But violent reaction is not the answer. Just like with someone who wants to commit suicide, it is best to listen to their take on the situation so to learn the WHY of it.
From there, maybe your point of view can be shared... and hopefully become the voice of reason.
I can hear my grandmother right now... "We did not endure rape, killings, being called an Ape, a Nigger and countless other derogatory names and atrocities meant to keep Us down and lower Our self esteem only to hear that some stupid bitch ass nigga is using it for sexual gratification!!!" Yes, she was extremely Black Pride-centric almost to the point of sanctioning the extermination of any whom she considered "traitors to our race". She lived in a time where Blacks did not have any rights.
But it's just that kind of reaction that we want to avoid in today's world. Anger is indeed a powerful emotion but better channeled into compassion and a need to understand. If it is a mental imbalance that is the motivation behind a Black person wanting to submit to a white then we can encourage them to seek professional help.
If it is simply about satisfying a fetish, then should it not be our business? Or should we remind the wayward individual of who he is and how he is perceived?
True Fact: Many Doms/Dommes get into the Lifestyle because they encountered a submissive who allowed them the opportunity to explore that side of themselves (myself included). Because of objectification, many do not trust subs are actually committed to the role and are only play acting... fulfilling a fetish.
They are right... in many cases. But flipping the script, wouldn't that be true for other Dominants who don't know their full potential yet? Maybe all anyone needs is that one true catalyst to show them the way.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Justice for Keith Warren
The Family of 19-Year Old Keith Warren Found Hung on a Tree 29 Years Ago in 1986 Seeks to Have Case Re-Opened
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Washington, DC — Sean Bell. Amadou Diallo. Trayvon Martin. Keith Warren. These four men and countless others have no familial or formal relationships, but their lives are interconnected as they each were victims of a grave miscarriage of justice by those who were to protect and serve their communities.
On July 30, 1986, the lives of the Warren Family, their friends, and Montgomery County Maryland community would be impacted forever as they were informed of tragic news that Keith Warren – their ambitious 19-year old son, brother, cousin, and friend – was found hung on a tree. After a brief (less than 24 hours) and “reckless” investigation, Keith’s death was ruled a suicide by the Montgomery Police Department.
Because of the amount of neglect and unanswered questions surrounding Keith’s death, his mother Mary spent the remainder of her life seeking “justice for Keith”. After her death, the torch was passed to his sister Sherri. Now, 29 years later, the family is asking the Montgomery Police Department to re-open the case to seek accountability and justice into the death of Keith.
On the family’s web site at, there are documents/texts which outline some of the pressing issues still left unanswered and unproven. For example, how can a man nearly 6 feet and 5 inches tall suspend himself in a tree that was double-bent twice his weight? Why was the same tree that his body was found on cut down shortly thereafter? Why? Furthermore, and the question that has caused them to really raise their voices again on behalf of Keith is; how is an official investigation and ruling found legitimate if it is based on falsified allegations and hearsay? In short, the family says that the investigating detective used information from unnamed, unrelated, and unverified sources to rule Keith’s death a suicide 5 hours prior to notification of next of kin.
His sister, Sherri Warren, has this to say: “From the perspective of American history; Keith’s story is not unfamiliar. In fact, it hits home almost daily. If in our society, social justice is defined as an ‘act’ or ‘set of institutions’ that are implemented in order to ensure that individuals are both fulfilled in their societal roles and receive what is due from society; America, we have fallen short. This does not mean that positive change and transgression in social justice is unattainable. We merely must take it one step; one victory at a time. Hopefully, with your support, Keith’s story and re-opening his case will be one step in the right direction. And even when this fight is won; we still have much work to do. Simply put, time is overdue in putting real closure to this case.”
For more information and documentation about the case, please
Sherri Warren
The Keith Warren Justice Foundation
Monday, August 4, 2014
Hey! I spoke to God last week and he shared his plan for humanity... would you believe me?
You can bring a laundry list of valid questions and you'll always get a clever response in return to validate. I've learned long ago to not even try. People are like leemings. They will believe and follow anything that brings a sense of belonging and safety in a world that is uncertain. Order within Chaos.
The one thing no one can deny is how God is used to justify war, genocide, prejudice and the right to take away liberties and personal choice.
I could never understand how the religious right demands to be respected, tolerated and given freedom of worship yet they will not think twice to deny you rights simply because it "offends" or goes against their own beliefs.
There is a disturbing pattern here... and it's worldwide. Everyone knows its there but no one will do anything about it. The unintended consequence is that although religion is a personal choice, its true purpose is to assert domination and control for financial gain. The offerings you give to G.O.D. go to a man or group of men for their benefit. Not yours. What you get instead is an illusion of acceptance and order.
We all need to realize that belief is only as powerful as you make it. Get a bunch of people to believe in the same thing and you become G.O.D.
Thus my alternative theory on the subject:
In the beginning, God was nothing.
... so he starting making stuff.
He made the dirt
He made the sky
He made the water
He made things that swim
Things that slither
Things with legs
God turned himself into a big shot!
Then in a couple days or a couple million years, he breathed life into Man.
And he's been sucking the life out of us ever since...
Belief is a very powerful thing. It can mold you. Inspire you. And eventually define you. To believe in a God requires the ability to believe in a higher power than yourself. Nothing in this life has true power… until you are either willing to give yours up. Or allow it to be taken from you.
The Black Sovereign Journal | Religion