Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Reflections on 2012

Another year has passed and it was an eventful one... especially for yours truly.

The year started with my decision to start taking the week of my birthday (1/10) off every year due to gaining another week off from my employer.

Ended up in the hospital unexpectedly which was an experience onto itself.  Having never been in a hospital before (as a patient), all of the spare time forced me to reevaluate the direction my life was taking.

I had spent the previous 4 years concentrating on my career and other endeavours.  Two promotions later, I am now ready to focus more on what makes me happy.  Once I left the hospital, I allowed myself to reenter the Lifestyle by restarting this blog (originally created in 2011 but never did much with it) and putting myself out there again.

It didn't take long for submissives to start approaching me.  I made the decision to take on 2 or 3 more subs.  I already had one dedicated part timer whose been with me since 2005.

Then, I was made aware of a site devoted to Black Dominants called Black Mans Revenge (link is under Black Sovereign Network) where things really started taking shape.  The site helped me find the 2 additional subs I was looking for.  Plus, due to my contributions and popularity, I was asked to help run the site as an admin.  This effectively solved the goal of starting my own social network.

The rest of 2012 saw many new connections made as well as travel opportunities. Hell, even almost had a chance to vacation in the U.K. (still a possibility in 2014). I had almost forgotten the limitless opportunities being a Lifestyle dominant can afford you... with the right connections.

Based on the feedback I've received from the knowledge I've shared, I re-imagined a training program I used to offer over 10 years ago. The new program will be called Black Sovereign University. Subscription based, this program will focus on helping those curious about the lifestyle to have a direct connection to a Master willing to help them understand their true nature and find ways to incorporate it with their everyday existence.

Big things can happen when you allow yourself to live the life you want.
Now it's your turn... get involved or continue existing. Fear of failure is not a valid excuse anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Master,

    This slave finds it historically valid that You wrote this on February 12, Abraham Lincoln's birthday. How far we have come since Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation to restoring the world order of races to the way God intended the co-exist.

    The world needs many more courageous Black Dominant Men who are willing to live the lifestyle openly and without fear of repurcussion with slaves who are also willing to publicly acknowledge their racisl inferiority and openly live a owned property in order the advance the New World Order. Eventually, there must be a militia that enforces the Black Man's entitlement to the world's resources and eliminates groups of white super mists by force.

    Thank You, SIR, for being a leader in this movement. MaybYiuvsoon be the owner of a hundred slaves, SIR.

    God bless You and all of Black African descent, SIR.

    slave bryan
