Thursday, January 2, 2014

Failure to Communicate

Reading the title, it's simple to know what the topic of this blog post is. But do you really understand what it means?

It means that once you establish meaningful contact with a Dominant that you maintain that contact to keep it from falling apart or becoming stale. If you don't think you can do that then thank the Dominant for his time, say that you are not interested and move on.

But many choose the cowards way out and just cease communications all together.

That creates a negative experience for the Dom and hampers opportunities for other subs who may be more vested in finding a Dom than you are.

We all know that it's hard to find good Doms and good subs. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to filter the bad from the good. But for those who are serious about finding a Dominant to serve...

Here are some good tips to gain our confidence:

  • Be upfront about your availability and desire to remain in contact


  • Always respond back to any emails or replies PROMPTLY... not in a few days or the following week. If you can't then APOLOGIZE for taking so long to write back


  • If you are long distance, immediately state your intentions. If it's to eventually serve, then your next step is to see if traveling for a visit is possible or affordable. It is okay to ask for time to get to know the Dom before making that decision but in any case, COMMUNICATE this upfront.


  • Don't just say "Hi" or "How are you doing?" on the first communication. Use COMPLETE sentences like "Hello SIR, I saw your profile and I am interested in speaking with you to learn more and to see if you would be interested in me." This creates intent and that you are serious in your inquiry.


  • Share your contact schedule if using Instant Messaging services or chat room. Knowing when you are online or would be free to be online helps in maintaining consistent contact. The point is doing all that you can to hold our interest once you get it.

A little common sense can go a long way in meeting a Black Dom. Make your intentions known (and that you can stand behind them) and stop with the fancy word play. You want to serve then serve.

What else are you here for? ...another great question to ask yourself.


  1. You are an extremely wise and respected Man in this boi's eyes, Sir
